Foreign assistance policy対外援助政策
For job training of former Taliban militants and the provision of funds to pay the salaries of Afghan police officers, Japan will extend civilian assistance worth $5 billion.
The assistance of the Japanese government and companies to China has strengthened the country’s economic fundamentals.
Depending on the degree of JAL’s financial deterioration, the government will consider a combination of capital reinforcement under the industrial revitalization law and public assistance by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corp. of Japan.
Governmental financial assistance政府補助金 政府助成金
The EU and the International Monetary Fund decided to extend €10 billion in assistance at the request of Cyprus, a member of the EU and the eurozone.
The Tokyo Declaration adopted at the donor conference includes the establishment of a system to check the progress of international assistance and political reform by the Afghan government.
China exerts influence over North Korea through food and energy assistance.
To deepen strategic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries in the field of maritime security, Japan must improve the software aspect of assistance, such as conducting a technical training, in addition to the hardware aspect of aid such as providing goods and cash.
monetary assistance金融援助 資金援助 貨幣的援助
Based on the basic agreement with the IMF, the Morsi administration of Egypt must implement such measures as tax increases and spending cuts to receive the IMF’s assistance. But the administration is reluctant to it for fear of a public backlash.
mutual assistance相互援助 相互協力 相互扶助
〘 名詞 〙 年の暮れに、その年の仕事を終えること。また、その日。《 季語・冬 》[初出の実例]「けふは大晦日(つごもり)一年中の仕事納(オサ)め」(出典:浄瑠璃・新版歌祭文(お染久松)(1780)油...
offer economic assistance経済援助を申し出る
overnight assistance rate翌日物介入金利
At a conference held in Tokyo to discuss assistance for Afghanistan, donor countries urged Kabul anew to become more self-reliant and improve its governance further.
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overseas development assistance政府開発援助 海外経済協力
assistance を下のリストに加える。または新しいリストを作成する。
As financial assistance to the cash-strapped chipmaker Renesas, its three shareholders and founders are to provide about ¥50 billion, while lines of credit established by its main banks will make up the rest of ¥50 billion.
provide financial assistance to〜に金融支援[資金援助]を行う
technological [technical] assistance plan技術援助計画 技術協力計画
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financial assistance
金融支援 財政援助 資金援助 資金協力
assistance を下のリストに加える。または新しいリストを作成する。
assistance from above.発音を聞く